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Ehud Barak opposes the idea of signing an agreement of principles, and the "Peace Cabinet" is supporting him. He says that such an agreement would "fix the concession" we have made. The implication is that we have given up much, while the Palestinians have given up nothing.

This assumption is being transmitted by all our media and has become the center of the national consensus.

The truth is different:

By agreeing to establish their state in the borders of the pre-1967 Green Line, the Palestinians have given up 78% of the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, which was called in the past Palestine.

For a national movement, no concession could be greater than that. An Israeli leader who does not understand the magnitude of this Palestinian concession is unable to make peace.

Gush Shalom,
P.O.Box 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033,
Phone 972-3-5221732.

Gush Shalom ad published in Ha'aretz, 
January 19, 2000

Gush Shalom

ua / hagalil.com / 17-o1-2001



Jeden Freitag neu:
Moishe Hundesohn

Dossier zur Loslösung: Rückzug aus Gaza Wahlen in Israel - 28-01-2003 IRAK Special 2003
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